

Impact of organophosphates and its potential risk of causing diabetes and its detection.

Elakiya S

Diabetes is a non-communicable metabolic disease that affected about 415 million people in the age group between 20-79 worldwide in 2015. By the year 2040 the count will rise up to 642 million. Genetic and Environmental factors contribute to this world pandemic disease. Because of the occurrence of Plant-Disturbing Organisms Farmers produced low number of crops than expected. As a consequence of this farmers received low income which gave rise to the use of pesticides. Nowadays, the demand for pesticides have increased among the farmers as it is efficient in controlling the Plants-Disturbing Organisms. Today farmers depend on the pesticides to safeguard their crops as it is efficient, simple and fast. Statistical data reveals that longtime exposure to Pesticides results in the global pandemic Diabetes. Pesticides like Organophosphates, Organochlorides, herbicides are the compounds increases the risk of diabetes. Glucose homeostasis can be disrupted by Organophosphate poisoning which causes the aggregation of acetylcholine due to the inhibition of acetylcholinesterases. Organophosphates increases the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus with “incretin effect”. In conclusion, the consumers of agricultural products and producers are at risk of acquiring Diabetes mellitus. This can be reduced by testing the fruits and vegetables for Organophosphates contamination at risk causing level using Biosensors. Organophosphates in food can be detected by a novel approach through a sensitive amperometric acetylcholinesterase (AChE) biosensor. Products can be washed well before it is used for consumption. Since Farmers are more susceptible, they can prevent the exposure to some extent by wearing masks and use of Biopesticides and Organic farming will have a greater effect on this global pandemic.