

Context-specific optimal dietary patterns for managing kidney disease for hospitalized patients in Tanzania.

Happyness Kisighii A, Jofrey Raymond, Musa Chacha

Objective: There is a global disproportion in the availability of nephrology services as a result of scarce services and resources for addressing the growing burden of kidney disease. However, the available services are expensive to be implemented by patients themselves, whereas dietary interventions are underused as among kidney management strategies. This study aimed at formulating food-based dietary guidelines for managing the problem. Method: A seven days weighted food record method was used to measure dietary intake to hundred hospitalized patients with chronic kidney disease in five hospitals (twenty patients per hospital) providing food services to hospitalized patients in Northern Tanzania. Food and nutrient intake were compared with the standard intake. A market survey was conducted in shops near the hospitals to collect data on foods and prices. Then, the LP approach was used to formulate optimal dietary patterns using food ingredients recorded from the market survey data. Results: It was found that patients had inadequate intake of nutrients such as iron, folate, betacarotene, vitamin A, E, selenium, and zinc. While sodium, potassium, and phosphorus were above recommendation. Optimized dietary patterns had reduced sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Conclusion: Dietary patterns generated in this guideline aim to meet all food groups to enhance the distribution of all nutrients in a recommended amount for early recovery from illnesses and delay the progression of complications allied with the disease conditions.