

Postpartum weight retention implications and interventions.

Brinderjeet Kaur*

Getting back to shape after pregnancy is a mammoth task, a much sort after goal for most young mothers especially urban, educated and working. The task of reducing weight may be arduous and unachievable for few. In 2009, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), USA published guidelines for Gestational Weight Gain (GWG) based on pre pregnancy weight range. Most women, who gained the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy, remain 2 to 5 lbs above their pre pregnancy weight a year after giving birth. A sizable 15%-20% of women hold onto 10 lbs or more. Moreover, these recommendations were, based on American women and generalizing it to the other populations lacks clarity as maternal anthropometry parameters varies across different population. No such study has ever been attempted in India this article reviews the menace of obesity in Indian perspective and emphasis the need of study in Asian/Indian population for the benefit of the women at large. The article also enlists the causes of post partum weight retention, its implications and possible interventions which can help in overcoming this menace which has bearing on the health of the women.