

Occult malignant lesions on screening mammograms: A single center experience.

Waqas Ahmad*, Hira Farooq, Khadija Nasir, Islah Ud Din

Aim: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in females and its emerging day by day. In our population, it is estimated to be found in every ninth woman via clinical examination or screening imaging including ultrasound, mammography and MRI in selected cases. Screening mammogram is suggested in all women above 40 years of age and younger with positive family history. Promoting screening mammograms helps in early detection, timely management and treatment at an early stage of the disease. The aim of the study was to detect the frequency of malignant breast lesions and suspicious calcifications during screening.

Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis of all screening mammograms for suspicious features via electronic data was performed in the women imaging unit from July 2018-July 2019.

Results: Out of all patients, 170 patients had lesions with suspicious features mostly falling in category 4 BIRADS and 39 females had category 5 BIRADS mammograms. Age ranges from 40- 50, 50-60 and 60 above were identified separately. 2 treated breast cancer patients had contra lateral tumors noted on follow up screening mammograms after many years.

Conclusion: Digital mammography improves early detection of breast cancer. Prevalence of malignancies in screening mammogram varies with age and helps in reducing morbidity of disease burden.