Nonfunctional kidney caused by primary localized ureteral amyloidosis: One case report and literature review
Sheng-xian Li, Jin Wang, Liang He, Chun-xi Wang
Background: Nonfunctional-kidney caused by primary localized ureteral amyloidosis is relatively rarely reports. However, the ureteral localized amyloidosis is similar as the ureteral primary carcinoma in Computed Tomography (CT) iconography. The misinterpretation should be avoided for urologists, radiologists and pathologists.
Methods: A 41 y old woman was admitted to Jilin University first hospital urology department with intermittent left flank lumbago. CT results revealed a stenosis and mild calcification of the left distal ureter. Furthermore, the specimens were taken from the lesion site by left ureteroscopy and pathological result revealed amyloidosis in the left distal ureter. Then, the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) was confirmed by Nephro-dynamic imaging Total-GFR: 73.43 ml/min, R-GFR: 65.76 ml/min, L-GFR: 7.67 ml/min.
Results: A primary localized ureteral amyloidosis with non-functional-kidney was diagnosed in this patient. The laparoscope nephrectomy was successfully operated on this patient for the non-functional kidney. Then, she received no chemotherapy after surgery. After laparoscope nephrectomy, there was non-recurrence within 9 months.
Conclusions: In this case, we found that the ureteral primary amyloidosis could rarely induce the nonfunctional kidney. Meanwhile, it’s important to distinguish the stenosis and calcification caused by ureteral carcinoma or amyloidosis. The diagnoses of carcinoma and benign amyloidosis could lead to different therapy strategy and prognosis.