

Molecular differentiation in developing of brain informatics

Dawen Cai*

This is because the processes of neurogenesis and differentiation adapt to processes similar to those in the human lateral subventricular zone. To study this process in the type II NB lineage, we performed targeted single-cell mRNA sequencing in the brain of third-instar larvae. A multicomputing investigation combining previous knowledge, in silico analysis and in situ validation describes the molecular landscape from a single evolutionary snapshot. Seventeen markers have been identified to distinguish different stages of maturation. Thirty markers have been identified to identify stem cell origin and/or mitotic number of INPs, and at least neuronal subtypes have been identified. To facilitate future discovery, we provide an annotated table of pairwise gene correlations in single cells and MiCV, a web tool for interactive analysis of scRNA-seq datasets. Taken together, these resources advance our understanding of neuronal differentiation processes at the molecular level.