

Finite Element Analysis in Additive Manufactured Customised Bone Scaffold.

Rashia Begum S, Arumaikkannu G

Bio Additive Manufacturing (BAM), an interdisciplinary field of Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Tissue Engineering (TE), aims to manufacture the customised bone scaffold for bone re-placement. One of the current challenges in bone tissue engineering is to create customised scaf-folds with suitable mechanical properties, high porosity, full interconnectivity and suitable pore size. In this paper, the patient’s CT scan data in DICOM format is exported into MIMICS soft-ware to convert the 2D images into 3D IGES data. The customised bone scaffolds with pore size of 0.8mm and inter pore distance ranging from 0.6 mm to 1 mm are developed in modeling soft-ware and porosities of customised bone scaffolds are determined. The customised bone porous scaffold and ASTM standard compressive specimens were fabricated through AM technique. Fi-nite element analysis (FEA) was carried out to study the mechanical properties.

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