Antibacterial and antifungal activities of Lespedeza cuneata extract against Candida albicans
Hee-Jin Hong, Na-Ra Son, Wang-Yong Yang, Jeong-Min Lee, Ji-Ho Kim, Se-Mi Jang, Seoul-Hee Nam
As side effects of chemical antifungal agents has been reported, this study was conducted to confirm the reported antifungal effect of Lespedeza cuneata on Candida albicans (C. albicans), and to investigate the usability of Lespedeza cuneata for the prevention and treatment of oral diseases. Lespedeza cuneata was placed in 80% ethanol at a 5:1 ratio, and was immersed therein for 24 h at a 65°? dry oven. It was concentrated using a rotary vacuum evaporator after filtration. The concentrated Lespedeza cuneata extract was used after being dried using a -80°? freeze dryer. The antifungal effect of Lespedeza cuneata extract on C. albicans was investigated using the paper disc method, which presents the bacterial inhibitory area by 1.5, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mg/ml concentrations, as well as the colony-forming units (CFUs) method, which confirms the colony formation on the yeast mold (YM) agar medium. The measurement of the clear paper disc circle using a growth inhibitory section showed bacterial inhibition, with 13 mm at 20 mg/ml, 11 mm at 10 mg/ml, and 10 mm at 5 mg/ml. As the concentration of Lespedeza cuneata extract increased, greater bacterial growth inhibition was observed. The survival rate of C. albicans calculated from the CFUs showed more distinct bacterial growth inhibition as the concentration increased. Based on these results, alleviation of the problems and side effects of the use of the existing antibiotics against oral candidiasis was confirmed, as well as the usability of Lespedeza cuneata for the treatment and prevention of oral diseases.